Monday, May 6, 2013

Another Trip to the Library

Maybe I should make it an almost daily trip to the library. I seem to get inspiration at every turn. Just looking over the books and the titles seems to bring up subjects to write about in my head. And believe me this one is no different from the others. I have another blog that does not get much attention from me lately but figure I could post them here and there. Although the other site is the rude blogger I guess some of this would fit right in. So here we go.

I came across this book titled "If Ignorance is Bliss, Why Aren't There More Happy People?"  by John Lloyd and John Mitchinson. It is a book for "Smart Quotes for Dumb Times". But just the title alone. Yeah I know that you all seen the titles and started shaking your heads and probably a smile or a full laugh, I know I did. It occurred to me that we live in a state of ignorance everyday. Rather it be by our own design or a product of not being given all the information. Even those smarty pants (and you know who I am talking about) live in this state. 
We don't want to hear something so we block it out. Bad news, something that might disagree with our thought process or religious beliefs. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It is how we deal with things. We don't want more information about something that do not affect us, we don't want more information on things that might be bad new or hurt us especially if we have gone accustom to a certain behavior. 
We have become a society that blames everyone else but ourselves when things don't go right, we get in trouble or life is just crap. Blame society, your next door neighbor or even your third grade math teacher, but never accept the blame that you created it all yourself. 
Is this all a product of "Ignorance is Bliss? Do we think that just because we didn't know the information that it will excuse us of knowing the difference between right and wrong. But who is showing kids the difference? They see on TV where it is everyone else fault, had they been given a better job or more money maybe things would be different. We are typically not given job, we apply ourselves and earn them. And as far as the money, unless you win the lottery you are not being given any money just because you think you deserve it. However, with that being said, I will add that certain individual will work the system and get money for nothing. So unless you want to be more than worthless in my book it is easy. For most of the people within working age, without significant health problems (and being lazy is not a health problem) and has half a brain can make money and contribute to society as a whole.

Get a job
        Yeah yeah yeah. The economy suck there are not jobs out there? Find another excuse. if you need a job and are willing to work there was a place that will hire you. Fast food is better than nothing. Think you are too good to clean floors, think again. Better to clean floors that no place to live. Did it every occur to people that if the system is not getting paid into those benefit as people call them to act as if they should always be entitled to will go away. If you don't pay into the system you should not qualify for income tax or at the very least the money you have received from "the benefits" should be deducted from your tax return. Got a national debt, make people payback.  Don't continue to screw the working class with these health care reforms that are not focused on those that can't afford health care. The ones being taxed for not having it are the same ones that can't afford it. They have jobs, but group sponsored insurance does not mean cheaper priced insurance. These are the people that are going to get taxed because if they took out insurance where would they live? The ones on state and federal assistance are not going to be taxed. These are the same ones that are using the system and go to the doctor all the time and using tax dollars they have not paid back into the system. It's crazy to think we could ever have a government that could actually think. We need people that understand economics and basic accounting. If you only make $500 a week and insurance is $250 that only leaves L$250 a week for a family of 4. With bills, rent, food, and gas there is not much left. We can't afford to get sick and even if we do we don't go to the doctor so we are spending L$250 a week on insurance with comes out to be $13000 per year. Do we get that back if we don't use it? Hell no, we paid in to a insurance company that we still have a deductible and co-pays but has not paid out any claims but can build more buildings and raise the rates all the time holding off for 120 days to pay others doctors and hospital bills to make interest on money that was not theirs. Amazing how that all works when you start to think about it. Maybe ignorance is bliss. If I didn't know how to add, other read, or think for myself I might be happy, but then I wouldn't have a house, car or money to eat with so ignorance might be bliss to some, but to me I would rather find joy in knowledge. 

And rather than my usual ending thought I figure it would be worth finding one in the books

The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge.
Daniel J. Boorstin

To be conscious that you are ignorant of the facts is a great step toward knowledge.
Benjamin Disraeli

At the simplest level, only people who know they do not know everything will be curious enough to find things out
Virginia Postrel

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