Well I finally got the dinning room cleaned out and the table is bigger for us all to sit in there and have a bit of room. It's amazing how when you change from season to season that not everything gets taken out. I know, I really should make sure that it does. It's just easier to put it out because I don't usually do it all at one time. Unlike when I take it out. But it is just one of those things.
I don't make New Year's resolutions, that way I am not in the % that never does them past the average 3 weeks. And what makes people think that the habits they have had all year long can be undo in the first few week (or days) of the new year? I know that it is just a starting point and a good one for things that people want to change about themselves. But wouldn't a Tuesday the second week of June be just as good? Maybe that is just me.
So my oldest didn't have to go to school today. Seems they don't start back until tomorrow....lol. Guess I should have paid attention to the website better. But that's okay. I did get things done. He took the lights down today which was a huge help in itself.
So here I sit again tonight. Talking with the hubby online. He had a long day at work and it is 11:00 his time and probably should be getting to sleep. I don't mind talking to him. I really don't have anything better to do tonight. I am not really in the mood to read so all I would do is sit and watch TV. All those channels and not a damn thing on. I know, it's just that there is nothing that I want to watch. Some would say I was crazy, others would say it is because I am restless. And I figure they are both a little correct. I have never even considered myself totally sane. I think we all have to be a little insane to get through the day. It's not just our action that we have to be wary of, but those of others. We can't compliment someone, can't tell someone that they suck at their job, and pretty much can't speak our minds. One for the fear of being killed and the other the fear of being sued.
I don't just blame the attorney's that take the cases or the judges that will allow them to be heard, I blame society as a whole for allowing them. If these juries would just say enough is enough instead of saying it was okay to sue and collect money that they didn't earn.
But I am trying not to blog about that. I want to try to stay positive....at least for the three weeks.
It's time for me to sign off for the night. But I will be back.
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