As we start the new school year we sometimes reflect on the year that has past. Okay, reflect might not be the word that you would use. We sit back and think about where the time has gone and OMG christmas is right around the corner. My "reflection" is a bit different. Since I home school using a virtual school online it is a bit different. Questions fill my mind: "Did they learn that last year?", "How much refreshing am I going to have to do?" and "What was I thinking?"
All I can say to you all is that if you really think things are spinning out of control, make a chart. I am a chart, list, and note maker. I think I personally keep
Post-It in business. I have so many sticky notes all over my desk, both written on and unused, that it is not funny.
Yes, I waste paper. Should I use an online calendar or to do list? Probably, however, over the course of the kids academic career I have accumulated a large sum of paper and notebooks. So instead of wasting all that paper I make list on them. And lets not even talk about the pens I have. I am not a pen thief, but I had to buy pens all the time. Colored ones, fine point, artistic ones and even cute ones. Now I have them all separated by types. Dry erase markers, highlighters, ball point pens, felt tip pens, gel writers, and pencils all have their own homes. With all this paper and writing instruments I make list.
Okay I am just justifying one habit with another. I am a list maker and for any of you that know me or have read my other blogs you know this about me. I make all kinds of list and to be honest it is very annoying to myself as well as others. I know it is an almost compulsive thing. But we all do have a little OCD about us. Take a look at everything you do in a day that constantly repeats in an order that is probably your OCD. But only if in the event that you don't complete that task it actually causes problems, such as making you feel lost all day, you can't get your mind off it, etc. I guess you could say I have a few OCD's. I have to have all my clothes hanging the same direction that even applies to my husbands. And would prefer to have them in color order, but my closet is small and it is hard to get that done all the time. But it does bother me.
I have to wash my hands prior to washing my body. No point in trying to clean you body if your hands are dirty. I know I would be washing them while washing my body, but what about the back of the hands or in between my fingers? I know. I know.
There are other things that I am compulsive about, but we are getting off subject.
Back to talking about school. You know I have noticed that in the last few years that kids are required to do more work and faster than before. Are the kids smarter now than they were 20 years ago? Or is it just a simple case of they thing they are? With all the technology I actually think they are dumber. Let's be honest about it. They cannot write a report, much less a letter. We could blame texting on that. The shortest form of writing to convey a message. But only if the reader knows the acronyms. We all have come to accept "lol" as laugh out loud. It is a standard form of expression. But do we really need "idk". Well I don't know. Kids have no idea about adjective to express anything. They don't have to really know how to spell there is always spell check and with the right program you can have your grammar checked (the ones inside of document software is not all that great). But it will not tell you that you put "were" in the place of "where". One reason "were" is the correct spelling for that word. And they are in too much of a hurry to actually proof read their papers. But it is up to us as parents to do that part. My oldest son hated the fact that I actually did know how to proof read and knew grammar very well. I even type out most words in Instant Messages (IM) and in text messages. And yes I use punctuation in as well.
Call me old fashion but I still love to put pen to paper and write a letter, although I do send emails. Faster, easier, and you can be a little more sure they are going to get it (unless you return receipt then you would know). It's an art, one which I really do love. Don't get me wrong I like to stay in touch and actually read news online rather than getting a newspaper. One of those reason is by the time the newspaper hits my door the news is already old. I have read about it online. And it saves a tree, which helps from the fact that I have bought so much of it in being prepared.
Needless to say, my days now are broken into two parts: Personal time and being a teacher. And the weekends are shaping up to be the same way. Science is easier to do on the weekend because they have so many projects that have to be completed for each unit. So it just makes it easier to do on the weekends. And in some cases we can incorporate them in to activities that we were doing. The farmers market is a great place to learn about growing plants.
As far as the art lessons, to be honest it is a personal choice. My daughter loves to draw but my son doesn't care too much for it. And appreciating are, that will come if they choose too. My oldest son loves to draw but hates looking at art in a museum. Me I actually like both. I have a collection of Patrick Nagel that is growing. And one of these days I will have a real Dali in my house. Not that the framed reprints aren't great. That way I can have more of his art and not break the bank doing it. But my Nagel's are very much real I am picky about the picture and what style it is. I do have a couple that are not signed, but that was more because I loved the subject of the picture. I have my eye on a few of the pencil drawings and a couple that were in Playboy. But I really want the Rio cover that was done for Duran Duran. I have thought about getting an original album cover with the record and having it framed. You know the ones were the record is half out of the sleeve. But first things first, finding the original album in great condition.
I will sign off for today as I really need to get to work on part of that list, you know the one that is on the blue sticky note on my
Until next time I will leave you with one thought. If your list keeps growing you are either not getting things completed or you need help.