Well it is official..... the kids are on summer vacation. Well Sean has a field day tomorrow at Pinnacle Mountain. Something that LISA as done for years at the end of the school year. Even when Gaige went there they did it. So we are continuing the tradition of the kids going to LISA. Bethany had to go take a test yesterday. It is a placement test since LISA puts kids with like learning in the same classes. It always made sense to me to do it that way.
But we have started the summer with some plans. Since I am not letting them off easy this summer they have work they have to do. They are part of a summer reading program at the library and with Barnes & Noble. And since they have to reading list from LISA they will have to do that one also. But they can read the books for one and count for the other two. They will also have to do things like knowing all the states and where they are on the map, spelling words (mostly the ones they keep asking me how to spell), and just a few other things to they don't forget it all over the summer.
I found most of the worksheets online so I didn't waste the money buying the books when I can just print them.
I will be spending most of the summer organizing the house. you would think that since I am home all day that it would be, but I was shocked (not really) about how unorganized it was. But before the kids go back to school and I go back to work I need to get it organized. So that is what I will be working on. It will all be in another blog but I will try to remember to link them all together.